The increase of the volume of the breast by grafting it with fat cells and stem cells is a viable alternative to breast implants. The grafting of autologous tissue allows to obtain an excellent result without incurring problems of rejection as it is a graft of a patient's own cells.
This technique has been recently emphasized to meet the needs of more and more women who want to have a generous cleavage without undergoing major procedures such as the insertion of silicone implants.
For these patients, it is finally possible to have a lush natural breast practicing only 2 millimeters of micro cuts needed to introduce small cannulas necessary to aspirate the fat graft.
After injecting the donor site (abdomen, thighs, knees) with an anesthetic saline solution, the required amount of fat is aspirated with a micro-cannula in order to fill the breast. It is then subsequently to centrifuge the product aspirated with a special filtering equipment in such a way to obtain an amount of adipose stem cells very well enriched with growth factors. At this point, always through the use of small needles, fat is re-injected into the recipient site.
The technique of fat transfer if carried out correctly immediately determines a volume temporarily larger than the final result, an effect both of an overfilling iatrogenic expressly wished as a postoperative swelling. Within a few months, the shape of the breast will be much more natural, with the effect of partial resorption of the fat graft and post-operative swelling. The remaining fat stabilized with volumes then will remain forever in the breast giving a natural shape and a smooth texture to the breast.
All the times that fat is grafted may be a number of issues. One of the minor complications is the resorption of partial fat over the presence of irregularities in the contours of the breast often due to a graft improperly performed.
Other rare risks are steatonecrosis, formation of cysts, inflammation, or calcification that can be interpreted at first observation as a false positive for mammary tumors.
It’s to be taken into consideration that these occurrences are much rarer than the surgeon is experienced.
In the case where the area of the breast to be grafted is of small volumes and you want to inject a moderate amount of fat, it becomes necessary to create an expansion of the skin through the use of a special bra “BRAVA” that, producing a negative pressure, allows to expand both the skin as the subcutaneous tissue to prepare the recipient bed in an adequate manner to the engraftment.
Inform your surgeon if you suffer from allergies or other chronic diseases. If you are bruising easily or bleed excessively in the case of small wounds will need to have tests to rule out problems with your blood clotting.
Painkillers like aspirin are contraindicated during the two weeks before surgery because their active ingredient interferes with blood clotting and may cause excessive bleeding. It’s even better to avoid alcohol and sleeping pills.