The hymen is a membrane-shaped ring that is located in the lower third of the vagina. After the first sexual intercourse or accidental traumatic causes such as a fall or swabs can tear in several places and bleed.
During a hymenoplasty are bloody the tissues with a scalpel that have suffered the laceration and then return immediately and sutured together their margins to restore continuity at hymene.
The intervention after the healing can get the "restitutio to integrum" of the anatomical structure so that the first sexual intercourse, you have the typical feeling of pain as the bleeding.
This intervention can be performed safely in the day surgery of your plastic surgeon. There will be performed with local anesthesia injection just perceptible directly on tissues to treat. If you want you can associate anesthesia to a sedative, which helps you relax to a state of dream. Immediately after the intervention, you will be accompanied home.
Those who choose for personal reasons general anesthesia must calculate the shelter in the clinic and make necessary visits and the interview with the anesthetist the day before. Pay attention that general anesthesia always involves more risk.
Better avoid alcohol and sleeping pills.
To minimize the risks and complications observed closely the directions of your surgeon both before and after the procedure.
Tell him if ever suffer from allergies or other chronic diseases. If you are bruising easily or bleed excessively in the case of small wounds will take several tests to rule out problems of your blood coagulation.
Painkillers are contraindicated such aspirin during the two weeks preceding the intervention because their active ingredient interferes with blood coagulation and can cause excessive bleeding. It’s better to avoid alcohol and sleeping pills.
Get tablets and two or three small items refrigerants. Before the surgery use detergents for hygiene.
Try to get rested and possibly not during the menstrual cycle.
The night before is good to take the antibiotic tablets that will be indicated by your surgeon.
Before the surgeon track with a paint fine lines of engraving to obtain optimum results. Then you run for local anesthesia then proceed to bloody tissues with great delicacy and precision. With a wire-thin and invisible suture externally the incisions are then sutured. The intervention takes about 1 hour.
Immediately after the intervention should expect swelling more or less pronounced in the anterior portion of the vagina that resorbs after a few days.
The wire suture will resorb in a few weeks.
Bleeding is extremely rare but can be 1 or 2 days after the procedure.
In patients who have difficulty healing, the suture lines may appear reddened and rough for several weeks. In this case, the surgeon can recommend the appropriate treatment.
Do not use creams the week following the intervention but only disinfectants for local hygiene.
It’s to avoid sex for at least 20 days thereafter