

Cosmetic surgery also carries risks, which are common in all surgeries.

These are generally related to anesthesia or post-operative complications such as hematoma, infection, or cicatrization.

The risk of complications exists even if the surgeon has performed in accordance with best practice.

Some factors may increase the risk of complications such as nicotine, which interferes with healing processes, or the taking of various medications.
Scrupulous observance of the surgeon's instructions before and after surgery will reduce the potential risks to the minimum.

Plastic surgery studies the healing processes of the skin and the most suitable procedures for obtaining the best aesthetic and functional results in this area. In the presence of scars or deforming scars, plastic surgery is often able to produce significant improvements with mostly outpatient interventions, which can be performed in local anesthesia.
Although a combination of art and science, plastic surgery is not a precise science: some factors affecting the result, primarily the healing processes that take months after surgery, are not fully controllable by the surgeon or by the patient. Consequently, the foreseeable result cannot be assured or guaranteed. The general conditions of patient health, age, skin type, amount of subcutaneous fat, and hormonal and hereditary influences influence, along with other factors, the variability of the result. Each surgical act inevitably produces permanent and indelible scars; plastic surgery interventions too. Most often, however, surgical wounds located along folds or natural grooves or concealed as far as possible in locations that are hardly accessible to the eyes, are rarely visible. Sometimes, due to particular individual predisposition, post-operative complications, or poor patient attention to the suggestions given, scars may be of poor quality. It is good to remember that the plastic surgeon can only guarantee good quality surgical wounds, not invisible scars. I remind you that in any type of surgery there are possible mistakes and complications. The first, unpredictable and undesirable, and the second, predictable and sometimes unavoidable, fall within the risks that each patient must consider before surgery. Sometimes, in order to perfect the result of aesthetic surgery, a small surgical remedy may be needed, however, it is good to keep in mind that plastic surgery reshapes living tissues and therefore the results are not always entirely predictable. Even the best surgeons, if honest, cannot guarantee a risk-free intervention and guarantee you a perfect result.